Compare Sharp Park Options

Partnering with the National Park Service to create a better public park for everyone is the best choice San Francisco can make at Sharp Park. But don’t take our word for it—compare the options for yourself.

Restore Sharp Park Partners

Thank you to our campaign partners: Action for Animals, Arc Ecology, Arriba Juntos, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, Center for Biological Diversity, Chinese Progressive Association, Coleman Advocates for Children & Youth, Green Party of San Francisco, Golden Gate Audubon Society, Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club, H.O.M.E.Y., Mission Beacon Community Center, Mission Community Peace Collaborative, National Japanese American Historical Society, National Parks Conservation Association, National Sierra Club's Resilient Habitats Program, Nature in the City, Neighborhood Parks Council, Our City, Our Kids First, Pacifica’s Environmental Family, Pacifica Shorebird Alliance, Potrero Hill Democratic Club, San Francisco League of Conservation Voters, San Francisco Naturalist Society, San Francisco Tomorrow, San Francisco Women’s Political Committee San Francisco Youth Commission, Save the Frogs, Sequoia Audubon Society, Sierra Club's San Francisco Bay Chapter Sunset Youth Services, Surfrider Foundation's San Francisco Chapter, Surfrider Foundation's San Mateo County Chapter, Transportation for a Livable City, Tuolumne River Trust, & Vietnamese Youth Development Center.

Restore Sharp Park Video Channel

Short videos about the opportunity to restore Sharp Park.

Join Us October 7 to Honor Rose Braz with the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is honoring our late Chairperson Rose Braz with the 2017 Trailblazer Award, and we invite you to attend the ceremony and celebrate Rose's life with us at the Sierra Club's David Brower Dinner on October 7th, 5-8pm at the Delancey Town Hall.
Rose in Baja

Remembering Rose Braz: Watch the Livestream

Watch the recorded livestream of Rose Braz' memorial.
Rose in Baja

Celebrate Rose Braz July 30, 2pm at San Francisco’s Brava Theater

We hope you will join us to celebrate Rose's remarkable life on July 30.  There will be 2:30 pm program with reception to follow. Doors open at 2:00 pm.

Rose Braz Has Died, But She Is Not Going Away

Rose Braz, Chairperson and co-founder of Wild Equity, died on May 3, 2017 after a 40-month fight with brain cancer.   We have lost the most beloved person we have ever known.  But Rose taught us to be better advocates, nurtured us to become better people. Those lessons live on in us all, so as she told Governor Brown not long ago Rose Braz is not going away.

Get the Golf Course Out of Our Natural Areas

Sharp Park Golf Course is arguably San Francisco’s greatest economic and ecological mistake. It loses hundreds of thousands of dollars every year, taking money away from San Francisco’s neighborhood parks and community centers. It kills two endangered species as it operates, and its location along California’s coast means that before long it will be flooded by sea level rise: already several links have been washed out to sea.
Emperor Goose, Sharp Park, January 26, 2017

Build It and They Will Come: Emperor Goose at Sharp Park!!

Our recent rains allowed Sharp Park's Laguna Salada wetlands to drink deeply, and now an unusual visitor has made the wetland complex its temporary home. An Emperor Goose, normally found near the Aleutian Islands and points north, has been…

Press Release: Environmental Groups Appeal SF Plan to Redevelop Money-losing Sharp Park Golf Course

“In 2009 the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department promised in writing that a controversial proposal to redevelop Sharp Park Golf Course would never be inserted into the Natural Resources Management Plan," said Brent Plater of Wild Equity. "The Department broke this promise, and in the process broke the law and any pretense of honest, open governance of our parks."

Winter Rains Breathe Life into Laguna Salada … For Now

Our recent winter rains have allowed Sharp Park's Laguna Salada wetland complex to drink deeply, reclaiming areas that Sharp Park Golf Course drains and mows to create fairways and greens. But if the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department's plan to redevelop Sharp Park Golf Course is finalized, the fringing wetlands you see today will be filled with dredged spoils and lost forever.
Lange's Metalmark Butterfly

Last Stand for the Lange’s Metalmark Butterfly?

In February 2017, Wild Equity will appear before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where the health of Antioch's people and the continued existence of the Bay Area's most imperiled butterfly will be on the line.   But we can't win…
San Francisco Snake

Last Chance for the Beautiful Serpent?

Will San Francisco squander one of the last opportunities to help the endangered San Francisco Garter Snake?  Unless you stand with us now, the City of St. Francis probably will.   For years Wild Equity has been leading the fight against…

Stand with Wild Equity in 2017!

Dear Friend, With the tectonic shift in national politics, our focus on local environmental and social issues may be our only hope. The victory at Standing Rock, in the backdrop of the incoming climate change-denying administration, shows…

Dec. 15, 1pm: Stop the Sharp Park Golf Course Bailout!

Thursday, December 15, 1pm, San Francisco City Hall Room 400: Join us at a San Francisco Planning Commission and Recreation and Park Commission joint meeting where the commissioners will vote on a taxpayer funded bailout of the money-losing,…

San Francisco Moves to Bailout Controversial Sharp Park Golf Course

San Francisco’s Significant Natural Resource Areas Program was to be one of the great urban conservation programs in America. But in 2016, San Francisco released a Final Environmental Impact Report ("FEIR") for the Significant Natural Resource…

A New Vision for Sharp Park

A new vision for one special place in Pacifica could help bring some desperately needed respite for imperiled wildlife, while helping protect the town’s homes and vital infrastructure. One of the rarest, and arguably most beautiful…

Wetlands on Tuesday’s Ballot for Bay Area Voters

Wild Equity’s vision for Sharp Park has called for restoring the wetlands and repurposing the lands as a new national park for the public to enjoy. This proposal has been passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors 5 times, and a…

This National Trails Day, Tell Mayor Lee to Restore Sharp Park

This Saturday, June 4th is National Trails Day- a day to celebrate the 200,000 miles of trails in the United States which allow us to exercise, connect with the natural world, escape from the chaos of daily life, and much more. Hiking…

It’s Air Quality Awareness Week: Who Bears the Brunt of Air Pollution?

This week (May 2-6) is the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Air Quality Awareness Week. Unfortunately, the EPA is still giving the green light to projects (e.g. new power plants) which poison the air and compromise the health and…

Washington Golf Course to be Repurposed as a Public Park

As the golf market remains in the doldrums, courses across the United States continue to close. In 2015 alone, five courses were shut down in the Bay Area, including courses in Sunol, Livermore, & Pleasant Hill. Considering the size…

GGNRA Dog Plan Enhances Diversity

The following is an Op-Ed written by Nina Roberts, professor at San Francisco State University and director of the Pacific Leadership Institute, for the San Francisco Examiner. April 28, 2016. You can access it on the SF Examiner website. Some…
Snowy Plovers Chased at Ocean Beach

New Proposed Dog Management Plan Creates Better Park Experience For All

Last month, the National Park Service announced a new Proposed Rule for Dog Management in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area - and with a little bit of improvement it would ultimately enhance the park experience for visitors, protect our…

Values, Market Value, and Non-Profit Management

Thursday, March 24, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Brent Plater, executive director of the Wild Equity Institute, will give a presentation to the BAIA (Business Association Italy America) Bay Area Italian Executive Business Network. Mr. Plater will pull…

What’s Wild Equity?

The Wild Equity Institute is a San Francisco-based non-profit organization that builds a more sustainable and just world, both for people and the plants and animals that accompany us on Earth. Our work protects local endangered species and defends underserved communities through innovative education programs, science-based administrative petitions, and vigorous enforcement of environmental laws.

Watch our executive director explain what Wild Equity is:

Discover why Bay Area foundation officers love our work: