August 31: Deadline for August Prize

Hello GGNP Big Year participants, August 31st is the last day to fulfill the monthly Big Year prize request for August! To be eligible for the $25 gift certificate to Sports Basement, be the first person to either (a) Use a reusable bag when…

San Francisco Garter Snake Bar Slither

Join Tatzoo at a San Francisco Garter Snake Bar Slither on Friday, August 3, 2012 at 8 p.m.! Come out to meet the Tatzoo 2012 SF garter snake team and learn how you can protect this beautiful imperiled serpent. Enjoy good company and good drinks…

Wild Equity has Endangered Species to Save and Prizes to Give!

Wild Equity has finished scheduling our 2012 Golden Gate National Parks Endangered Species Big Year events—check out our guided offerings to see and save local endangered species at our events calendar. In addition to the grand prize winners—…

Wild Equity has a Blast at the Big Year Happy Hour!

Thank you to all who came out to the Big Year Happy Hour last Thursday to enjoy good food, good drinks and great company at the Southern Pacific Brewery. It was a fun-filled night catching up with the Wild Equity folks. We talked about upcoming…

Big Year Happy Hour and Summer Intern Goodbye Party

Thursday, July 26, 2012, 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. — Join Wild Equity Institute for a Big Year Happy Hour! We will enjoy good company, good food and drinks, and get updates on some exciting Big Year events Wild Equity has planned for…

Pale Male Petition to Obama: Stop Nest Destruction Now

The Wild Equity Institute filed a formal administrative petition with the Obama Administration today, asking the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ("Service") to protect migratory bird nests from destruction unless and until prior written authorization from the Service is obtained.

Fish and Wildlife Service Nest Policy

On April 15, 2003, the Service issued the Migratory Bird Permit Memorandum, which introduced a new policy position on the destruction of migratory bird nests. In this memorandum, the Service argues that when an “inactive” bird nest—one…

Lange’s Metalmark Butterfly Inspires Electric, Organic Artists

The Antioch Dunes National Wildlife Refuge is in serious trouble, but artists working in diverse media are beginning to tell this landscape’s tale. Sawyer Rose’s NATIVE: California Plants in Glass, Metal, & Light. Sawyer Rose’s…

Whole Foods SoMa Supports WEI with Nickels for Nonprofits” in May!”

From May 9 through June 5, Whole Foods Market in SoMA is donating funds from its Nickels for Nonprofits program to the Wild Equity Institute! To participate, shop at the SoMa store with your reusable bags and then donate your 5-cent bag credit…

August 3, 8pm: San Francisco Garter Snake Bar Slither”!”

Tatzoo had a wonderful Happy Hour this past Tuesday! We had a chance to meet the 2012 Tatzoo group and hear of the wonderful ongoing projects to protect the Lange’s metalmark butterfly, the San Francisco garter snake and other endangered…

Sunday Streets Bayview/Dogpatch

Join Wild Equity for another fun Sunday Streets in the Bayview/Dogpatch neighborhood! Visit us at the Warm Water Cove (24th st.). Hope to see you there! Get directions here.

July 26, 6pm: Big Year Happy Hour — Note Correct Time & Date!

We accidentally posted the wrong date and time for the Big Year Happy Hour and Summer Intern Goodbye Party in our last edition of “From I to We: News from WEI” Sorry about that! Here is the correct information: Big Year Happy Hour…

San Francisco Garter Snake Bar Slither

Wednesday, July 18, 2012, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. — Join Tatzoo at a San Francisco garter snake Bar Slither! Come hang out and meet Tatzoo 2012 fellows, tattoo artists and mentors and learn about this year’s amazing projects…

Wild Equity Receives Grants from Two New Foundations

The Wild Equity Institute received grants from two new foundations this month that will help us build a healthy and sustainable world. The JiJi Foundation and the NITA Foundation provided grants worth over $10,000, making the work of Wild Equity…

Wild Equity Requests International Protection for San Francisco Gartersnake

The Wild Equity Institute has filed a formal legal petition and submitted supporting comments to add the San Francisco gartersnake to the list of species protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna…

Tailgaters Make a Big Bang at Sharp Park Golf Course

In May, tailgaters from Save the Frogs! and Wild Equity Institute made a big impact drumming for frogs at Sharp Park Golf Course while golfers held an anti-endangered species event at the golf course clubhouse. Protesters occupying Sharp Park(ing…

Coastal Erosion Forums – July 12 in SF, July 19 in Pacifica

All — Attend one of these if you cannot, send in written comments. If you are going to attend, send an RSVP to Athena Honore: or 510-622-2325 Public…

Tailgaters for Endangered Species Outshine Golf Bailout Supporters

On May 19 over 35 tailgaters for endangered species converged on Sharp Park Golf Course’s parking lot to protest an outrageous ‘celebration’ of the endangered species-killing, money losing Sharp Park Golf Course. With their…

From I to We: People and the Plants and Animals that Accompany Us on Earth

What matters more: our human communities or the natural world? This or a variant of this question drives environmental debates, and also drives a wedge between progressive movements. In this lecture, Brent Plater, founder and executive director…

San Mateo Woolly Sunflower Walk

Saturday, May 19, 2012, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.: Join Brent Plater of the Wild Equity Institute and Tim Sullivan of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission for a leisurely walk into the usually inaccessible Crystal Springs watershed to…

May 19: Tailgate & Drum for Frogs, Occupy Sharp Park(ing lot)!

Join Us May 19, 4:30pm, Sharp Park Golf Course: Tailgate & Drum for Frogs, Occupy Sharp Park(ing lot)! Golf purists have announced they’ll celebrate the endangered species-killing, money-losing Sharp Park Golf Course with a $150…

May 19: Sunflower Hike and Tailgate for Frogs!

The Wild Equity Institute is excited about two events this Saturday, May 19, and we hope you are too! In the morning we’ll be offering a special trip to view the San Mateo Woolly Sunflower on normally inaccessible San Francisco Public…

Dr. Douglas Bevington Joins Wild Equity Institute’s Board of Directors

We are excited to announce that Dr. Douglas Bevington has joined the Wild Equity Institute’s Board of Directors. He is replacing Stan Kaufman, who served on our Board since 2009 and developed Dr. Douglas Bevington Dr.…

Wild Equity Meets the Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal covered the Wild Equity Institute in a new article about the money-losing, endangered species-killing Sharp Park Golf Course. Titled Big Wedge Over Sharp Park’s Future, the article describes how Sharp Park is run-down…

What’s Wild Equity?

The Wild Equity Institute is a San Francisco-based non-profit organization that builds a more sustainable and just world, both for people and the plants and animals that accompany us on Earth. Our work protects local endangered species and defends underserved communities through innovative education programs, science-based administrative petitions, and vigorous enforcement of environmental laws.

Watch our executive director explain what Wild Equity is:

Discover why Bay Area foundation officers love our work: