Birding at Mori Point

Sunday, October 20, 9:00am – 11:00am: Normally, we visit Mori Point to look for California Red-legged Frogs and San Francisco Garter Snakes, but this time we will be looking for birds.

This area is home to an incredible diversity of birds. The San Francisco (or Salt Marsh) Common Yellowthroat , a California Species of Special Concern, breeds here. The rare wetland and coastal lagoon ecosystem attracts rarities and vagrants every year, like the Tropical Kingbird.

This bird outing will be led by Noreen Weeden, Golden Gate Audubon Conservation Project Manager, and Eddie Bartley,wildlife photographer. Set your alarm clocks because we are heading out early for this trip.

To RSVP, please see above or visit our Meetup page – San Francisco Wildlife Enthusiasts.

Photo © Catherine Salvin

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