Endangered Wildlife Bike Ride
Sunday, October 13, 9:30 am – 12:30pm: You are invited to join Brent Plater of the Wild Equity Institute on a bike ride through some of San Francisco’s last wildlife habitats. We will search for and learn how to save the endangered species living within the Golden Gate National Parks. We will have the opportunity to see the Gowen Cypress, Raven’s Manzanita, Humpback Whale, San Francisco Lessingia, the Western Snowy Plover, and if we are very lucky, the Steller Sea Lion, the Marbled Murrelet, and the Southern Sea Otter!
We will start and end at Bazaar Cafe, 5927 California Street, San Francisco, CA 94121. Bring water and snacks. Rain cancels.
RSVP required. Please see above for details or visit our Meetup page – San Francisco Wildlife Enthusiasts.
We hope you will join us on this great adventure!
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