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GGNRA Off-leash Dog FAQ
For many years the GGNRA has illicitly permitted off-leash dog walking in many locations. When park visitorship and the number of dogs were low, this had little impact. But today the GGNRA receives millions of visitors annually and San Francisco…

GGNRA Dog Plan Released: WEI Discusses on KQED 1/17
The Golden Gate National Recreation Area has released its long-awaited Dog Management Plan, and will be taking public comment on the proposal for the next 90 days. The Wild Equity Institute’s Executive Director Brent Plater will be a…

Outreach at the Green Festival
Lets have fun at the Green Festival with the Sierra Club.
Saturday and Sunday, November 12th & 13th
We will be outreaching for Restore Sharp Park.
You can help with tabling and/or gathering signatures while walking around the festival.

Visit the Wild Equity Institute Table at Sunday Streets
Join the Wild Equity Institute for a fun-filled and colorful day at Sunday Streets. Visit our table and learn about our efforts to unite the grassroots conservation and environmental justice movements in campaigns that redress inequity, both…

SF Historic Preservation Commission: Sharp Park Golf Course Lacks Historic Integrity
In a stunning rebuke to golfers grasping to keep San Francisco subsidizing suburban golf in San Mateo County, on September 21, 2011 San Francisco’s Historic Preservation Commission stated that it does not concur that Sharp Park Golf Course is an historic resource.

Injunction Sought to Halt Illegal Sharp Park Golf Course, Protect Endangered Species
September 26, 2011
Jeff Miller, Center for Biological Diversity, (510) 669-7357
Brent Plater, Wild Equity Institute, (415) 572-6989
Arthur Feinstein, Sierra Club, San Francisco Bay Chapter, (415) 680-0643

Shaping San Francisco: Endangered Species Campaigning
Shaping San Francisco/CounterPULSE hosts a discussion about endangered species campaigning with Todd Gilens, creator of the Endangered Buses art project; Brent Plater, Executive Director of the Wild Equity Institute; and Jessie Raeder of the…

Visit the Wild Equity Institute Table at Sunday Streets
Join the Wild Equity Institute for a fun-filled and colorful day at Sunday Streets. Visit our table and learn about our efforts to unite the grassroots conservation and environmental justice movements in campaigns that redress inequity, both…

9/14–Endangered Species Campaigning at CounterPULSE
September 14, 2011, 7:30 p.m.—Shaping San Francisco: Endangered Species Campaigning: Shaping San Francisco/CounterPULSE hosts a discussion about endangered species campaigning with Todd Gilens, creator of the Endangered Buses art project;…

Thank Supervisor John Avalos for Announcing New Legislation to Restore Sharp Park!
Supervisor John Avalos advanced the campaign to restore Sharp Park by announcing his intent to introduce legislation to restore the land at the Board of Supervisors on May 17. The legislation will ensure that the two endangered species found…

Take Action: Help Pass Legislation to Restore Sharp Park!
On September 6, 2011, Supervisor John Avalos introduced legislation at San Francisco City Hall to restore Sharp Park in partnership with the National Park Service! Now the Board of Supervisors needs to hear from you: tell them to support this…

Legislation Introduced to Restore Sharp Park!
September 6, 2011
Neal Desai, National Parks Conservation Association, (415) 989-9921 × 20
Brent Plater, Wild Equity Institute, (415) 572-6989
Meredith Thomas, Neighborhood Parks Council, (415) 621-3260

Sunday Streets Western Addition
Sunday Streets Western Addition is located on the following streets: Fillmore Street between Geary and Fulton Street, Fulton Street between Fillmore and Baker, and parts of Grove, Baker and Central near the Panhandle. See Sunday Streets for…

WEI Reflects on MLK Jr.’s Desire to Unify our Moral Concerns
At the Wild Equity Institute, we are working to build a better world based on a shared moral foundation: equity, and the desire to create a more just and fair world. Bridging moral foundations and unifying our moral concerns was a theme of Dr.…

Feds Stand Up for Endangered Species at Sharp Park
In a meeting organized by Congresswoman Jackie Speier, who continues to pursue a public bailout of the money-losing and endangered species-killing Sharp Park Golf Course, federal agencies delivered a serious blow to the controversial all-golf…

Pacifica Quarry Sold, Development Threat Continues
The San Mateo County Times reports that the privately-owned Pacifica quarry, located just south of the Golden Gate National Parks’ Mori Point, has been sold to a real estate investment affiliate.
Plans for the quarry are unclear, but the…

San Francisco Golf Program Covers-up Golf Course Losses
New documents obtained through San Francisco’s Sunshine Ordinance show that the controversial Sharp Park Golf Course is predicted to lose money yet again this upcoming…

A Little Bird in the Belly
In this Wild Equity Institute update from Trinidad, we’ve got a cute video for you of a little bird with a big surprise. Enjoy!

Video: One More Way Plastic Bottles Can Ruin a Turtle’s Day
Some of you may know that the Wild Equity Institute is helping draft new regulations to protect leatherback sea turtles in Trinidad and Tobago, the twin island nation in the Caribbean off the coast of Venezuela. Trinidad has the 2nd largest…

10/10/10: Spotted Owl Work Party to Fight Climate Change
Northern Spotted Owls Nuzzle at Muir Woods on August 10, 2008.
Comments by Ranger Mia Monroe.
Sunday, 10/10/10, 10:10 a.m.: Join the Wild Equity Institute’s Golden Gate National Parks Endangered Species Big Year, the Center for Biological…

WEI Heads to Court to Protect Antioch’s Communities and Wildlife
On Friday, January 21, the Wild Equity Institute will appear in court to protect human health and endangered species. You can attend the oral argument: it is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. in courtroom 10 on the 19th floor of the United States…

Students Take Action for the Underfrog
Recently students from San Francisco’s public high schools visited Mori Point and the controversial Sharp Park Golf Course. They learned about the impacts the course is having on the San Francisco garter snake and the California red-legged…

Visit the Wild Equity Institute Table at Sunday Streets
Sunday, August 14, 2011, 11:00am – 4:00pm: Come visit the Wild Equity Institute table at Sunday Streets Tenderloin/Civic Center.
Join the Wild Equity Institute for a fun-filled and colorful day at Sunday Streets. Visit our table and learn…

Visit the Wild Equity Institute Table at the Noriega Street Food Fair
Saturday, August 6, 2011, 11:00am – 4:00pm: Come visit the Wild Equity Institute table at the Noriega Street Food Fair.
Join the Wild Equity Institute for a fun-filled and colorful day at the Noriega Street Food Fair. Visit our table and…

Noriega Street Food Fair
Noriega Street between 31st & 33rd Avenues, San Francisco, CA, 94122. Sunset District

Downtown High School Completes Endangered Semester with Wild Equity
In 2011, the Wild Equity Institute partnered with Downtown High School in San Francisco to give students and endangered species a second chance at life. The joint project was called “Endangered Semester,” and it provides students…

Golfonomics 101
Golf courses across the nation are suffering from a quintessential economic problem: too much supply and not enough demand. How the game responds to this problem may define its trajectory in American sport for decades to come.
As articles…

What’s Better than Dressing up like Snakes and Frogs? Actually Saving Them!
The San Francisco garter snake and the California red-legged frog need our help! Every year they are victim to poor management operations at Sharp Park Golf Course. Wild Equity has a plan to help save these endangered species and stop San Francisco from subsidizing a failing golf course.

Visit the Wild Equity Institute Table at Sunday Streets
Sunday, July 10, 2011, 11:00am – 4:00pm: Come visit the Wild Equity Institute table at Sunday Streets, along the Great Highway Route.
Join the Wild Equity Institute for a fun-filled and colorful day at Sunday Streets. Visit our table and…

Visit the Wild Equity Institute Table at Sunday Streets
Sunday, June 12, 2011, 11:00am – 4:00pm: Come visit the Wild Equity Institute table at Sunday Streets, along the Bayview/Dogpatch/Potrero Route
The Wild Equity Institute will be tabling and informing the public about our efforts to unite…

Sunday Streets: Bayview/Dogpatch/Potrero Route
The Sunday Streets: Bayview/Dogpatch/Potrero Route will mainly be along 3rd Street, San Francisco
The Wild Equity institute table will be on 3rd street at 24th Street, San Francisco, CA
For a more detailed map of the exact route, please go to:…

Franciscan manzanita
The apparent location of the shrub.

Supervisor John Avalos Announces Legislation to Restore Sharp Park!
In a major step towards restoring Sharp Park, yesterday San Francisco Supervisor John Avalos announced that he has asked San Francisco’s City Attorney to draft legislation that will close Sharp Park Golf Course and transfer management…