Sharp Park Pumphouse Project Appeal Hearing at San Francisco Board of Supervisors
Tuesday, March 25, 3:00pm – Please join the Wild Equity Institute at San Francisco City Hall to speak up and demand a full environmental review of the Sharp Park Pumphouse Project. We need to pack the chamber with supporters!!!
A full environmental review is needed because:
• Experts have stated even a mitigated Pumphouse Project will have significant impacts on the California Red-legged Frog and San Francisco Garter Snake populations at Sharp Park.
• After reviewing the mitigation proposal, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stated, in writing, that it does not have the resources to implement the measures listed by Recreation and Park Department.
• The Pumphouse Project will have significant environmental effects on the water quality and hydrology at Sharp Park.
• Experts have proposed a feasible alternative to the current Pumphouse Project: allow the wetland complex’s water levels rise in spring and summer to drowned the aquatic vegetation that grows only in shallow water.
• Sharp Park is suffering from a piecemeal approach to planning.
• The Pumphouse Project conflicts with the Coastal Act.
• The impact on the recovery plan for the California Red-legged Frog is not addressed in the Pumphouse Project.
• RPD staff refuse to analyze alternatives.
• The Board deserves to at least have a less harmful alternative reviewed before it approves such a controversial project in RPD’s most ecologically important asset.
Download a summary of the appeal here. The full appeal is available in three parts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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