Last week San Francisco took an important step towards a healthy and sustainable future for Sharp Park. The Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance that directs the City to negotiate a long-term management agreement for Sharp Park with the National Park Service, and then review that agreement as a proposed project under the California Environmental Quality Act. The City will be able to consider all feasible alternatives to the National Park Service agreement during this process. It will then select a future for Sharp Park that provides the best public policy outcomes for the land.
But golf purists and the Chamber of Commerce would rather you not have a say about Sharp Park’s future. They are lobbying Mayor Ed Lee right now, demanding that he veto this common-sense ordinance.
What are these golf development interests afraid of? And will they be able to subvert popular political will and convince the Mayor to sanction their back room golf bailout with his veto pen?
Not if you call the Mayor today and demand that he support this reasonable ordinance. The future of Sharp Park should be based on the merits—not what the golf lobby and developers are able to extract behind closed doors.
Call Mayor Ed Lee now at 415-554-6141 and ask him to support the Sharp Park ordinance: it’s good government and common sense.
Here are a few points you can make:
- The ordinance is necessary because the Recreation and Parks Department has refused to even look at restoration options at Sharp Park—even though scientists have explained that restoration is not just environmentally preferable, but cheaper to implement.
- Sharp Park’s future should be decided on the merits in the light of day: not by lobbyists for elite golfers and developers in back-room deals.
- With the money San Francisco saves by closing Sharp Park, the City can reinvest scarce recreation dollars in our other municipal golf courses, improving the quality of affordable golf for everyone.
You may also send an email message with this action alert: but calls are most important because time is of the essence! Be sure to thank our champions at the Board: Supervisors John Avalos, David Chiu, Eric Mar, Jane Kim, David Campos, and Ross Mirkarimi.